About Employment Insurance

It has often been said that bad things can happen to you even without your cooperation. That can also be said about jobs and careers. Shortage of available work, mass lay-off and retrenchments, reorganizations and mergers, in today fast pace anything can happen. When it comes, the experience can be devastating for many, made worse when savings are not enough, debts are high and payments are in arrears.

Being prepared is always the best way to cushion the effects of loosing income. Having insurance employment makes you continue to enjoy the benefits of income. Employment insurance can aid you on receiving maternity, sickness compassionate care services, provide support for a member of the family who is ill, caring for an infant, even fishing benefits and many more.

To apply for an employment insurance all you have to do is submit an application online. Employment insurance is paid even when the applicant will receive money when unemployed.

When applying for an employment insurance a "Record of Employment" will be required from you that you will have to get from your last employer or a proof of employment like pay slips, pay stubs and certification.

Other documents that you will need when you apply for an Insurance Employment will include:

Social insurance Number. If your SIN number starts with a 9, that means that you are an immigrant and will need to also supply your immigration status and work permit. You will have to supply a record of employment covering the past 52 weeks When claiming for medical and sickness benefit, a medical certificate will have to be furnished. When applying in person, prepare your driver’s license, passport or a birth certificate. Furnish also complete bank information.

Checks or voided checks from your current personal account will be required, as payments will be made direct to that account. When applying for parental benefits, the Social Insurance number of the other parent will be required.

If you are applying for compassionate care benefit, a medical certificate has to be supplied. You will also have to provide your version of the facts surrounding the cause of your unemployment. Together with this is a statement of the total salary before deductions, including commissions and other income benefits, the total amount that you will receive including severance pay, vacation pay, pension etc.

Do not delay when applying for an employment insurance, delaying the application beyond four weeks can cause penalties or loss of benefits.

If you receive financial assistance form the social services while waiting to get the Insurance employment claims, you will have to reimburse the amount out of your employment insurance benefit.

If you are indisposed and can not apply for your employment insurance, an appointment representative can be assigned to do the application on your behalf,

After you have applied for your employment insurance, you will receive in your mail a benefit statement including an access code and the date for your first report. Having an access code does not yet mean that your claim has already been decided on. Together with this will be an instruction on how to complete your report.

If you have filed your report with all the required information satisfied, you will start receiving your employment insurance benefits 28 days after the filing.

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