Accident Insurance For Children - Have You Thought About It?

Accident Insurance For Children - Have you thought about providing financial security for your children in case they are seriously injured in an accident of any kind? The possibility of an accident putting your child in a wheelchair for life, is not one that anyone likes to think about. Not thinking about the possibility does not take that chance away though.

Parents are increasingly recognizing that it is necessary to insure their children against accidents. They want to know that in the event of anything untoward happening to their son or daughter, that at least there will be no financial hardship; that their child’s financial needs will be provided for the next 70 years if necessary.

Health insurance for children is normally included in family health insurance policies and is obviously worthwhile. Is that enough?

Health insurance for children may cover illnesses and broken bones, but rarely covers everything that can happen to a child.

Your family health insurance policy cover may not include:

Accidents on school trips. The school may well have insurance, but is it enough to provide a lifetime of care if your child has a serious head injury while skiing?

Car accidents with drivers who are not insured. Sadly many children are injured every year when uninsured drivers hit them. The worst drivers almost always have no insurance.

Mental health is not always adequately covered in a general family health insurance policy.

Death. Health care insurance policies rarely pay out if the insured person is killed. Money will be needed for counselling for siblings and parents as well as funeral costs.

An increasing number of parents are asking insurance companies about insurance for children to cover these and other eventualities. Ask an insurance broker about the different policies available and their costs. The cost is low, because the risk is a low one. Insuring against that low risk though, could mean a world of difference to your son or daughter.

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